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Wednesday, 21 March 2012

NiCor Photos Celebrating 2 Years!

On February 26th, 2010 we opened a NiCor Photos group on Facebook and I can't believe two years have gone by so quickly! The group has grown well beyond our expectations and currently has 1100+ members and to each member, thank you for all your support!  For those of you not in our group, we'd love for you to visit's the link! 

 In a January blog posting, we posted a 2011 Highlights video and often thought of some of these photos we wanted to add but were taken in 2010.  So, what better way to review 2010 with another highlights video.  Yeaaa, we love video slideshows and hope you enjoy it aswell! 

Here's to two awesome years! 
~Nicole & Corey~

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Marine Atlantic Ferries

We had a request to view some photos of the new Marine Atlantic vessels.  Here's a sample of the MV Blue Puttees & the MV Highlanders. To see them larger, click the photo.  There are also many other photos of various vessels on our facebook group, check it out :) Thanks for looking!

MV Blue Puttees







MV Highlanders










MV Highlanders & MV Leif Ericson 


Wednesday, 29 February 2012

It's all about the bling!

This month I have not had much time to blog and I've really missed it.  I really wanted to add atleast one more blog posting for the month of February and then today I realized the last day of the month is already here! 

Ring shots at weddings are always enjoyable for me.  It isn't something that I normally plan as to where and when it will happen and it's not something I stress over.  I guess that's why I love it so much! No fuss, no stress and I just wing it!  So with little time left before this month is over and for this last posting in February 2012, it's all about the bling!  


~*~Nicole ~*~

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Sunday, 12 February 2012

Food Photography ~ A yummy topic!

On February 11, Corey and I attended an evening of fine dining at St. Christopher's Hotel with a fabulous menu created and prepared by Eric Kinch & Pauline Gilliam. 

When Eric mentioned photographing this event, we knew it would be something different for us. So it was a new topic for us, Food Photography, and it's a yummy one! The menu was fantastic, the food tasted fabulous and to see the tremendous amount of effort from the Chefs and Staff at St. Christopher's Hotel was beyond impressive. It gave us a whole new meaning to the word "teamwork".

Thanks to everyone for having us and putting up with us getting in the way once or twice :D

Here's a sample of a few shots we took throughout the night. You can click on the photos to see them larger. 

Enjoy and thanks for looking! 
Nicole & Corey 

St. Christopher's Hotel

Eric & Pauline

Preparing the Scallop with Port Reduction

Pan seared Scallop atop Caramelized Pear with Port Reduction.
Finished with a Chiffonade of Greens.

Curried Pear with Apple Schnapps

Asian Chicken Lettuce Wraps

Julienne Vegetables with Herbed Greens

Pasta Primavera with Chicken

Smokey Maple Grilled Salmon and Sole stuffed with Crab

Strawberry / Raspberry Sorbet

Assortment of Miniature Cheesecakes and Cream

Fresh Strawberries, Chocolate Ganache and Cream 

Monday, 30 January 2012

Hockey runs through her veins.

Meet Maddie, she is Pittsburgh Penguin's youngest fan! Her big brother plays hockey and his favorite team, you guessed it, is Pittsburgh.  She is only 1 month old but the love of hockey already runs through her veins.....

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Us ~ Behind the Camera

So I have to admit it. If I had to choose sides, then behind the camera it is.  I am much more comfortable behind the lens than in front of it.  When I have the camera, in my hand, I get a totally different view of the world. Good excuse right? So Corey and I are usually the ones taking the photos and not the objects being photographed, but that's ok! 

Sometimes, only sometimes, we can get a little crazy and actually snap a picture of us!  You know that famous shot; holding the camera out at arms length, chin down, eyes up, just hoping to get just one good shot where our heads are not cut off!  But after we tried that a few times with "da mark" (our 5D Mark II camera & lens with lots of gadgets attached and a huge flash sitting on top of it that weighs a friggin ton!), we've come to realize we won't be getting too many shots of us!  

But here's a few photos of us including a couple of those "classic" shots but most, of course, from behind the camera.  

Thanks for stopping by!
~ Nicole

Us ~ Little River Lake 2011